Wellingtons End of the Summer | The Power Pop News
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Posted by on Apr 20, 2017 in Music, News, Powerpop |

The Wellingtons’ End of the Summer

The Wellingtons’ End of the Summer

The Wellingtons In Transit topped our 2011 Best of Power Pop list. Now, the band is back with its much anticipated full-length follow up. The Wellingtons End of the Summer is chock full of jangle, pop hooks and layered harmonies. And just like In Transit, there are standout singles here – a must when it comes to creating a top notch power pop album.

wellingtons end of the summerThings get off to a thunderous start with “Not Getting What I Want”, a rockin’ song about big dreams left unfulfilled. “Over & Done With” is a joy to listen to with it’s vocal counter play and engaging harmonies. Clanging guitars, layered vocals and sweeping melody make “No Way This Could Fail” a most appropriate title for the next tune.

The Wellingtons give us a breather as they slow things down with the captivating melody and beautiful harmonies of the title track. Then they ramp back up with a couple of songs that are the highlights of the LP. Zac Anthony and company pull out all the stops with “Make It Better”, a pop confection that’s one big hook from start to finish. The chorus is so catchy, it’ll stick in in your head long after the first listen.

Nostalgia tracks are notoriously tricky because it is so easy to fall into the trap of using cliches. Not the case with “1963”. The Byrds-like guitars in the song’s opening bring us back to better days while the more personal lyrical elements help to avoid sounding trite. In fact, its jangle, catchy melody and guy/girl harmonies make it a real winner.

The Wellingtons will tour this spring and summer throughout Europe so check ‘em out if they’re in your neck of the woods. In the meantime, pick up your copy of The Wellingtons End of the Summer at iTunes or get the physical CD at Kool Kat Musik.