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The 80’s were a wonderful time in Syracuse NY. I left with an art degree and high hopes. Some would say that I must have been high to graduate with an art degree and think there was any hope.

Here we are, many greeting cards, illustrations, and children’s books later. On the wrong end of 44, I found that I get a great deal of satisfaction from blogging – usually about power pop music and The Flashcubes (Syracuse’s brightest stars). The time seemed right to share my interests and experiences with others of similar mind. Hey, I’ve suffered for my art. Now it’s your turn.

I owe an eternal debt of gratitude to John Wicks of The Records. His friendship, guidance and loyalty made it possible for me to pursue something that will keep me motivated for the rest of my days. He made everyone around him feel special. God rest his soul.

Consider listening to the songs John and I wrote together or those written with others such as Dave Nachmanoff (Al Stewart) or Jamie Hoover (The Spongetones). My sincere thanks to those who do. On the other hand, if you would prefer to leave flaming poop on my digital doorstep, you can do that as well. In that event, you can use this email address: (

And if you haven’t had enough, here are couple articles I’d written many years ago for other sites around the net:

Who Loves Ya Baby? – ID Thieves, That’s Who

7 Reasons to Avoid Gift Giving
for 7 Reasons

Thanks for stopping by.