The Supahip - The Two Sided Face - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Jul 3, 2018 in Music, News, Powerpop |

The Supahip – The Two Sided Face

The Supahip – The Two Sided Face

Michael Carpenter is back again, this time joining Mark Moldre as the other half of The Supahip. Together, they’ve created the appropriately named The Two Sided Face. Entering the studio with a blank slate and creating on the fly, the songs on their latest are immediate and instinctively catchy.

supahip two sided faceWhile I’m not that familiar with Mark Moldre, my appreciation for the work of Michael Carpenter grows with each and every release. Michael Carpenter and The Cuban Heels Ain’t Nothin’ Left to Say was one of my favorite power pop albums of 2016. Carpenter does country tinged power pop better than just about anyone today and you certainly get some of that here.

But on The Two Sided Face, the team of Moldre & Carpenter offer us so much more. Take, for example, the lead off track. “Running Blind” is psyche-pop of the highest order. “Motor” has a Stones-like swagger. “When I Started Falling Apart” is basic, pure rock ‘n’ roll.

Songs don’t get any catchier than “With the Radio On”. And “Domino” is pure power pop – a start to finish hook that’s simply irresistible.

Supahip’s The Two Sided Face is easily one of my favorite albums of the year so far. If CD is your preferred medium, get your copy at Kool Kat Musik. If it’s digital that floats your boat, try their label’s Bandcamp page.