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Posted by on May 15, 2024 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Colman Gota – Don’t Stop Playing Guitar

Colman Gota – Don’t Stop Playing Guitar

We first heard Colman Gota back in 2016 with his outstanding LP entitled Tape. Gota followed up that one with Fear The Summer, an album that found its way onto our 2017 Top Power Pop Albums list. Fast forward to 2024. Gota gives us Don’t Stop Playing Guitar, yet another hook laden record featuring his signature guitar work. 

Right out of the gate, Gota’s screaming guitars straddle the edge before catapulting us through “Big In Taiwan” and its catchy chorus. Ever jumped on a treadmill when its turned up too high? The ironically named “Always Late” feels just that way – and it has a memorable melody. Things slow down (but just a bit) with the very catchy “Crack the Code”, a relationship song that really hits home.

Superlative Guitar Pop

Colman Gota’s songs generally lean on a big, hooky guitar riff. And Don’t Stop Playing Guitar is no exception. That said, the arrangements can occasionally wander outside the norm. “Paint It Black” and “Two Chords and a Lie” introduce wonderful horn arrangements, for example. “Higher Calling” starts out with a little finger picking before launching into bigger guitars and a very catchy chorus. The steel guitar in “If I Only Could” is a wonderful surprise.

Get Don’t Stop Playing Guitar Here

Colman Gota’s Don’t Stop Playing Guitar is 17 tracks of superlative guitar pop. Get your copy at Amazon Music.