2019's Best Power Pop Albums - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Dec 31, 2019 in Music, News, Powerpop | 12 comments

2019’s Best Power Pop Albums

2019’s Best Power Pop Albums

1. Scott Gagner – Hummingbird Heart

2. Jeff Whalen – 10 More Rock Super Hits

3. Joe Sullivan – Growing Up Schlockstar

4. Eytan Mirsky – If Not Now…Later

5. Lannie Flowers – Home

6. The Brothers Steve – #1

7. Dave Cope & The Sass – S/T

8. ANC4 – ANC4

9. Bryan Estepa – Sometimes I Don’t Know

10. Potty Mouth – Snafu

11. Ryan Hamilton & Harlequin Ghosts – This Is the Sound

12. Luther Russell – Medium Cool

13. Geoff Palmer – Pulling Out All the Stops

14. Richard Turgeon – Go Deep

15. Charlie Faye & The Fayettes – The Whole Shebang

16. The Dollyrots – Daydream Explosion

17. Emperor Penguin – Walnut Fascia

18. Todd Herfindal – Two Track Mind

19. The Well Wishers – The Lost Soundtrack

20. Nick Frater – Full Fathom Freight-Train


  1. That Jeff Whalen album I think is my favorite power pop album of the DECADE! I just love it!

    • Hey Drew – Yeah, I share your enthusiasm for Jeff Whalen’s album. He was part of the Brothers Steve, too.

      • oh I know! Been a fan of his since Tsar’s debut. Word is Jeff will have another solo release soon!

  2. Really great list. Surprised that The Lunar Laugh’s album didn’t make the cut. Easily one of my top 3 of 2019.

    • Hey Jorge. Thanks for sharing that. I wanted to keep it to 20 top albums this year. Unfortunately, that means some really deserving titles get left out. 2020 promises to be a really good year for music, btw. Some really interesting people are in the midst of recording.

  3. Schlockstar also made my list. My top two (tied) were Andrew Leahey & The Homestead’s Airwaves and the Cassettes’ Wild Heart.

    • Hey Matt – Yeah, The Cassettes’ album was really good. That’s the trouble with a short list of 20. Some really deserving stuff gets left out.

  4. I can’t believe no one mentioned the Speedways-Just Another Regular Summer. Maybe it’s a little too punk for some but not me! Not a bad track on the whole album!

    • Hey Steve – Yeah, I liked the Speedways album quite a bit. That’s the problem with a limited list of 20. But yeah, I’m with ya.

  5. Many thanks for including Emperor Penguin on your list. It’s an honour and a delight to have our stuff recognised and to be in the company of such great albums. Thank you, we really appreciate it.

  6. Great to see the 2 Tsar-related records on there. And the Potty Mouth album is pretty much perfect.

    • Yeah, I loved the Tsar-related records. And the Potty Mouth record came out of nowhere to just blow me away. Is there anything you wold have included that I didn’t?