Odd Robot Late Night Panic | Power Pop News
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Posted by on Feb 28, 2017 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Odd Robot – A Late Night Panic

Odd Robot – A Late Night Panic

Having learned of Andrew Burris’ affinity for Green Day’s Nimrod, a record I thought was criminally overlooked, I had to hear his new band. I’m pleased to say that Odd Robot‘s debut LP, A Late Night Panic, is pretty much what I had hoped for. It’s fast, it’s loud and best of all, and it’s got hooks-a-plenty.

While the guitars propel each song at a fierce pace, the melodies are memorable and the vocals are extraordinarily good. Burris can really sing. The opening track, “Bleeding Out”, is a 1:51 long adrenaline rush. The roller coaster ride continues with the equally appealing title track. The mid-tempo “Knife and a Cigarette” is a standout as the guitars chug along into a killer hook of a chorus. “Summer’s Old” is another gem, a mid-tempo track about breakup that is anything but cliché. It’s hard not to love the rapid fire guitar riffs on this one. The guitars are just wonderful throughout the entirety A Late Night Panic.

Cascading guitar lines make “Undead Army” particularly engaging while “Tired of Waking Up” is classic power pop of the highest order. Things slow down with the acoustic “Satellite” to end the disc and leave the listener wanting more.

Odd Robot’s A Late Night Panic is a very pleasant surprise. Recommended for fans of Green Day, Descendents, B-Leaguers, and punk-pop in general. While it’s early yet, this is one of my top power pop albums of the year so far. You can get A Late Night Panic at CD Baby or at Odd Robot’s Bandcamp page.