Jamie & Steve Sub Textural | The Power Pop News
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Posted by on Jul 5, 2017 in Music, News, Powerpop | 2 comments

Jamie & Steve – Sub Textural

Jamie & Steve – Sub Textural

Everybody’s favorite Spongetones, Jamie Hoover & Steve Stoekel, are at it again. Their latest EP entitled Sub Textural has many of the things we expect from the duo including plenty of power pop hooks, killer harmonies and the unexpected. With a Jamie & Steve release, there’s always something that comes out of left field and knocks me on my ass.

The catchy melody of “Sword of Love” makes it a very worthy opening track. “It’s All Because of You” and it’s bouncy bassline grab your attention immediately. That having been said, it gets better every time I hear it.

jamie & steve sub texturalGreat songs frequently translate easily to other genres because after all, a great song is at it’s very core, a great song. “It’s All Because of You” would make an awesome Raggae song. A similar thing could be said for “In a Little Tango”. I could just as easily see Steven Tyler or Robert Plant performing this as I could Jamie & Steve. Vocally, it’s startlingly good. And the guitar solo is absolutely killer.

As much as there are surprises for the listener, there is at least one thread that follows through the entirety of Sub Textural. That’s the harmonies. They’re wonderful.

Speaking of harmonies, the guys go all minimalistic on us with “Cry”. It’s basically an acapella song with a killer hook. Its a pop song that you can sing anywhere, so long as you have two voices and a nearby surface to beat on. I’ve always preferred lotsa guitars but “Cry” is simply way too good to ignore.

If you should get the rare opportunity to see Jamie & Steve perform live, take it. It’ll be truly memorable, I promise you. In the meantime, get yourself a copy of Jamie & Steve’s Sub Textural. It comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Get your copy at Kool Kat Musik.


  1. Richard-thanks SO much for your kind words!! Yay!

  2. I agree 100% Richard. Sonic goodness…..