Forty Nineteens Good Fortune | Garage Rock, Power Pop News
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Posted by on Sep 26, 2017 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Forty Nineteens – Good Fortune

Forty Nineteens – Good Fortune

The summer of 2017 just wouldn’t seem complete without a stylistically appropriate album from a California garage band. Thankfully, the guys from The Forty Nineteens delivered accordingly. The Forty Nineteens’Good Fortune picks up where Rebooted left off, with a rough around the edges garage-power pop sound and plenty of hooks.

forty-nineteens good fortuneJust as with Rebooted, there’s plenty of stylistic twists and turns to keep the listener engaged. There’s the punky “Easy Come, Easy Go”. Or the straight up pop of “Another Day” with it’s infectiously hooky chorus. “My Camaro (Have Some Fun)” sounds like something one might here in a film about frat parties at USC with it’s surf party vibe. You may find yourself compelled to yell “Taquilla” after each chorus.

Things get strange (in a very good way) when the band gets a little trippy with “Purple Microdot”. While “Camaro” might remind you of a good Fleshtones track, “Purple Microdot” uses similar effects to create a psyche-pop feel reminiscent of Revolver era Beatles. And there’s a great cover of the Rolling Stones’ “Time is On My Side”, too.

All that said, Good Fortune finishes with the album’s best song, “Two Pillows”. It’s straight-up, no frills power pop with plenty of jangle, pleasing harmonies and a truly memorable, hooky chorus. Classic power pop, plain and simple. It’s the perfect way to close an album. I can’t wait to hear what’s next from these guys.

The Forty Nineteens are: John Pozza (vocals/guitar), Chuck Gorian (guitar), and Nick Zeigler (drums/vocals/keyboards). Good Fortune is available HERE through their Bandcamp page. You can also get the CD through Kool Kat Musik.