Top 15 Power Pop Albums of 2015 - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Jan 4, 2016 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Top 15 Power Pop Albums of 2015

Top 15 Power Pop Albums of 2015

Below, you’ll find the Top 15 power pop albums of 2015, in my estimation. Click on the visual below each title to read a previous review of the disc. Additionally, I’ve listed the top 5 not power pop discs of 2015. Feel free to comment any any or all in the comment area at the bottom of this post. Thanks.

Here they are:

1) Reno Bo – Lessons from a Shooting Star

Bo Reno Knows Power Pop; Lessons From a Shooting Star

2) Elvyn – Valley of the Kilowatt Hour

CD Review: Elvyn’s Valley of the Kilowatt Hour

3) The Turnbacks – Are We There Yet?

Powerpop CD Review: Turnback’s Are We There Yet?

4) Mooner – Masterpiece

CD Review: Midwest Powerpop from Mooner – Masterpiece

5) Ryan Hamilton – Hell of a Day

Powerpop CD Review: Ryan Hamilton’s Hell of a Day

6) The On and Ons – It’s the On and Ons Calling

Australian Power Pop; Its the On and Ons Calling

7) The New Trocaderos – Thrills and Chills

Power Pop CD Review: New Trocaderos’ Thrills & Chills

8) Caddy – The Bitter End

Norwegian Power Pop from Caddy – The Better End

9) The Connection – Labor of Love

Powerpop Review: The Connection – Labor of Love

10) Greg Pope – Fanboy

CD Review: Greg Pope Fanboy – Deluxe Edition

11) The Travel Lanes – Lets Begin to Start Again

Powerpop CD Review: Travel Lanes Start Again

12) Kurt Baker – Play It Cool

Power Pop Review: Kurt Baker’s Play It Cool

13) Nato Coles and the Blue Diamond Band – Promises to Deliver

Midwest Powerpop: Nato Coles’ Promises to Deliver

14) The Modulators – Try, Try, Try

Powerpop CD Review: The Modulators’ Try Try Try

15) Joe Adranga & Junior League – Also Rans

Power Pop Review: Joe Adragna & Junior League – Also Rans

Top 5 Not-Quite Powerpop Releases of 2015:

1) Peter Case – Hwy 62

CD Review: Peter Case – Highway 62

2) Dave Alvin & Phil Alvin – Lost Time
3) Dave Edmunds – Rags & Classics

Rockabilly’s Dave Edmunds’ Rags & Classics

4) Wreckless Eric – AmERICa

Powerpop Review: Wreckless Eric’s AmERICa

5) Squeeze – From the Cradle To the Grave

Powerpop CD Review: Squeeze’s From the Cradle to the Grave



  1. Ryan Hamilton & The Traitors - The Devils in the Detail - […] in 2014, he gave is one of the best power pop albums of the year (it came in at…