Top 10 (mostly, but not entirely) Powerpop Singles, 1st Half of 2012 - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Jul 3, 2012 in Music, News | 2 comments

Top 10 (mostly, but not entirely) Powerpop Singles, 1st Half of 2012

Top 10 (mostly, but not entirely) Powerpop Singles, 1st Half of 2012

We’re at the mid-way point of 2012 and so far, it’s been a very good year for music in my opinion. Below, you’ll find my top ten singles of the year so far. In most cases I’ve been able to include audio, video, or both so check out the ones you’ve not yet heard. Here my top 10 singes of the first half of 2012:

David Myhr – Got You Where he Wanted
“You can hear the Jeff Lynne / ELO influence on “Looking for a Life” and “Got You Where He Wanted”, by far my two favorite cuts on the LP, the later of which passes the ultimate test….I simply can’t get the melody out of my head.” [read more]

2) The Golden Seals – The Year Things Fell Apart
“But for me, the coup de grace is the fourth song on the record, “The Year Things fell Apart”. Not only is the song one sticky sweet pop hook after another, but Merritt grabs the listener…” [read more]

3) Didn’t Planet – Bitter
“Another highlight is the song “Bitter”, a tune that convincingly captures the state of mind of those faced with the reality that art and commerce no longer meet.”[read more]
Video for this song was not available, so enjoy “Walkin’ Around Boston”.

4) The Heartless Devils – Bad Luck Charm
‘“Bad Luck Charm”, the video for which you’ll find below…until I found myself wanting to shout “Hey Ho!” Ramones style during parts.’ [read more]

5) Skeleton Staff – I Told You I Was Poor
“Right from the get-go the harpsichord intro of “I Told You I Was Poor”, the albums first song, piqued my interest. And when I heard the opening lines…”[read more]

6) John Fullbright – Gawd Above
““Gawd Above” sets a high bar for the rest of the disc…he’s got the Oklahoma drawl working to maximum benefit” [read more]

7) Throwback Suburbia – Give and Take
“Give and Take” throws us right into the hook-filled deep end with those wonderfully jangly guitars.” [read more]

8) The Successful Falures – The Rise of China
“Think Weezer meets The Goo Goo Dolls and add a touch of Wilco in places and you get the idea…“The Rise Of China” is a timely subject with strong beat.” – Powerpopaholic

9) Dave Birk – Speed Queen Mystery Date
“The title cut, “Speed Queen Mystery Date”, would have had hit single written all over it 15 years ago when there still…” [read more]
Audio samples are available HERE.

10) Smash Palace – Living it Lonely
“a really catchy number and one worthy of the title “single” and the accompanying youtube video.” [read more]

Many of these releases are hard to find, released on obscure labels, mp3 only, or self released. These days, the best work often slips through the cracks and never gets the notoriety it deserves. All of the above fit this description. So check ’em out.

And if there are any I missed, let me know it. I have an open mind. Really.


    • Hey Mike- I’ve read your stuff at Powerpopaholic and Pop Geek Heaven among other places. You’re awesome! Thanks for leaving a comment. It’s appreciated!


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