The Tripwires Do It Some More - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Aug 3, 2023 in Music, News, Powerpop, pub rock |

The Tripwires Do It Some More

The Tripwires Do It Some More

This past June 13, America’s last remaining pub rock band released their first album since Get Young in 2014. Do It Some More has all the earmarks of past efforts with its wordplay, angular guitars and monster hooks. 

Co-released with a second album oddly titled Are Knife, Fork, Spoon and Plate in: Good Party Tape, it is somewhat reminiscent of the simultaneous release of a Minus 5 / Young Fresh Fellows albums of a few years back. Both John Ramberg and the Sangsters often play in Scott McCaughey’s bands so isn’t a coincidence.

Two Minutes Plus of Power Pop Bliss

There are two distinct personalities, one to each record. Knife, Fork, Spoon Plate has a distinct Rockpile flavor to it, which I like very much. But the other, Do It Some More, is more along the lines of what I look for from these guys. So let’s concentrate on that one.

Ramberg & Co. had me from the opening guitar clang of the title track. “Kicking Around In New Shoes” is something Dave Edmunds would have had a ball with its honky-tonk vibe spit out at warp speed. It’s got a killer guitar hook, too.

The über-catchy “Kite String Broke” has the two things essential to a memorable song – a melody you want to hum to and try clever lyrics. It’s one of my favorite tracks of the year. Similar can be said for “Piano Annie On Sunday”. The exquisite guitar jangle and hooky chorus of “Her Eyes Died” make for 2 minutes and 19 seconds of power pop bliss.

The album ends with “The Killer Goes Wild”, a rip snortin’, high octane track that works as the perfect lead in to the second, aforementioned album. 

Buy The Tripwires’ Do It Some More

The Tripwires latest, Do It Some More, is available on the FOLC label and through their bandcamp page HERE. The companion piece entitled Are Knife, Fork, Spoon and Plate is also available thru bandcamp as well.