Travoltas Until We Hit The Shore | Power Pop News
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Posted by on May 30, 2017 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Travoltas – Until We Hit The Shore

Travoltas – Until We Hit The Shore

There should be a separate category for summertime songs – songs that are best heard with the windows rolled down and played at maximum volume. Travoltas’ Until We Hit The Shore is just such an album. While its hard to place a label on it (maybe something pop and garage), it definitely has that beach crusin’ vibe to it. Travoltas are almost a poppy-er Chevelles.

travoltas until we hit the shoreThe harmonies are engaging from the opening track, “Ain’t That Enough”, even if the song drags a little bit. This wouldn’t have been my choice for the opening track, but the pseudo-psychedelic solo is kinda cool. From here, things get really good.

“Tokyo” is a barn burner that has a little bit of a surf punk feel to it. The chorus is catchy as hell. The Beach Boys style harmonies on “Dying To Do That With You” are a real kick in the head. Absolutely love them. Clocking in at just over 2 minutes, it’s a quick blast of beach punk-pop. Imagine the Beach Boys on amphetamines and you have “Great Expectations”.

With it’s uber-catchy chorus, “Sugar Thing” has a monster hook that makes this track the album’s obvious single in my eyes. For me, “Sugar Thing” feels a little slice of punk-bubblegum. The harmonies are satisfying throughout. And while I’m not a big fan of guitar solos, they’re generally inventive and add more to the song than is usually the case.

Travoltas Until We Hit The Shore is just the thing to play with the top down and the volume turned up. To get your copy, visit White Russian Records.



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