Nick Frater – Goodbye Kayfabe
You don’t get much more radio friendly than the opening track of Goodbye Kayfabe. One listen and it’s obvious that studio geek Nick Frater knows his way around a pop tune. With a McCartney like twist toward the end and hooks to spare, it’s a real gem.
“More Than This”- specifically the brass arrangement – reminds me a bit of Punch The clock era Elvis Costello. “Remoaner” is a bouncy, incredibly catchy earworm that has rapidly become one of my current favorite pop songs of this year. There isn’t a throw away track here. Nick Frater’s Goodbye Kayfabe is pure pop goodness, first track to last.
Released earlier as an EP, Goodbye Kayfabe has been expanded to ten songs and newly released as an LP. If you’ve heard the EP, then you’ll want to pick this one up for the extra tracks, one better than the last. If you haven’t, then Goodbye Kayfabe is a really enjoyable pop experience waiting to happen. Pick up your copy of the expanded Goodbye Kayfabe at Kool Kat Musik. Kool Kat is offering a special deal on all three Nick Frater LPs so check that out.