Liquid Mike - Paul Bunyon’s Slingshot - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Feb 7, 2024 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Liquid Mike – Paul Bunyon’s Slingshot

Liquid Mike – Paul Bunyon’s Slingshot

Last week, we discussed Liquid Mike’s 4rth album (S/T). The new one is called Paul Bunyon’s Slingshot and like its predecessor, its got lots o’ crunch and sweet bits that leave you wanting more. Like a good breakfast cereal. Perhaps they should have named it “Lucky Charms”. 

The opening track, “Drinking and Driving”, hangs on a great guitar hook propelled by a driving beat. It begs you to turn it up. A summer time cruising’ song, “K2” is classic power pop.

Between Weezer and Geezer

Liquid Mike taps Weezer for the irresistible “Town Ease”, a song all about being trapped in small town boredom. It’s got the classic line “Given what ya know, the American dream is a Michigan hoax”. The outlier is “AM”, a slice of 80’s AM radio for us old folks, adapted to today’s sensibilities. It’s short (only 1:08) but wonderful.

Mike Maple, the band’s songwriter, delivers the mail in Michigan for a living. So it should come as no surprise that “USPS’ is one of the album’s highlights. And it contains one of its best lines. “Where there’s destruction there’s an outlet for fun and that’s why Jesus made the sidewalk – so you would always have a safe place to run.”

Get Liquid Mike’s Paul Bunyon’s Slingshot

Continuing the breakfast cereal analogy, Liquid Mike’s new one is one part Lucky Charms and one part Captain Crunch. But you can’t get it at your local supermarket. Instead, stop by Bandcamp and get their latest.