Ed Ryan - Furious Mind | Power Pop News 10-24-2017
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Posted by on Oct 24, 2017 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Ed Ryan – Furious Mind

Ed Ryan – Furious Mind

ed ryan furious mindEd Ryan’s Furious Mind gives us a little of everything. The opening track, “You’re My Kind of Fun” is the ideal upbeat lead off track and would make a great single. “Here I am” with it’s simple but irresistible melody and weeping guitars is pure pop goodness. The infectious “Any Time You Want” gallops along with lyrics that, intentional or otherwise, remind me of the hidden meaing in some of the reat bubblegum tracks of the 70’s. We even get a little bit of a reggae flavor on “Faulty Connection”.

There’s something here for everybody. You can pick up Ed Ryan’s Furious Mind as a streaming download by going to his Bandcamp page HERE.
