Concert Review: The Spongetones & The Final PB Scott's Reunion - Power Pop News
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Posted by on May 5, 2015 in Concert Reviews, News |

Concert Review: The Spongetones & The Final PB Scott’s Reunion

Concert Review: The Spongetones & The Final PB Scott’s Reunion

I crashed a reunion this past Saturday night. I’d never heard of PB Scott’s nor had I ever been to Blowing Rock NC. But since The Spongetones don’t seem to make it up to my neck of the woods these days, one has to make certain sacrifices. Having seen/heard Jamie Hoover & Steve Stoeckel perform as Jamie & Steve but never having seen the band from whence they came, I figured it was time for a road trip.

PB Scott’s was a famous club back in the day, a rock n roll temple that hosted BB King, REM, The Nighthawks, Gregg Allman and other national acts. And the Spongetones. They were the local favorites from what I gather, so having them host what was billed as the final reunion was the only fitting way to go out, I suppose.

pbscottsLooking around at the sold out crowd, I kept thinking to myself that I had never been to a show with so many people so closely straddling that fine line between hip and hip replacement. Talk about misguided first impressions – from the moment the Spongetones hit the stage, these folks were in full party mode. They were dancing and yellin’ – hell, it bordered on a revival.

One could say that the Spongetones gave the ultimate good time sermon. But then that would probably be preaching to the choir.

They played two sets over a span of nearly 3 hours by my count, and the event was nothing short of a blast. Playing for that long, the band leaned heavily on British Invasion covers but fans got to hear originals too, classics that will live on long after PB Scott’s is forgotten.

It was great to hear covers of Dylan’s “Like a Rolling Stone”, The Rolling Stones Street Fightin’ Man” and any of the plethora of Beatles songs but the highlight for me was a Spongetones original. “Skinny” has long been a favorite of mine and for the first time, I got to hear it performed live. It was an absolute thrill.

I’ve probably been in the audience for near 1000 shows over the years and I can’t remember seeing so many folks have such a great time, acting like kids and completely immersing themselves in the moment.

On a side note, if the folks at the reunion this past May 2 were indicative of the average PB Scott’s patron, it must have been quite a special place. Again, I’d never been there in the days when it was operational, back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. I did not know anyone when I arrived yet thanks to my wife, the lovely and talented Lynn, we left having made friends and feeling quite at home.

Needless to say, live shows by The Spongetones are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Should they come to your neck of the woods, go see ‘em.