CD Review: The Jeanies - The Jeanies - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Feb 25, 2015 in News, Powerpop |

CD Review: The Jeanies – The Jeanies

CD Review: The Jeanies – The Jeanies

When I first heard The Jeanies, I wasn’t sure why they sounded familiar. Regardless, one thing stood out to me as I listened to the disc in its entirety. These guys have a way with a melody and there’s a familiar guitar ring – enough to make this and probably most powerpop fans happy.

jeaniesI’ve heard comparisons to Cheap Trick which I don’t see at all, frankly. The more I listened, the more I heard 90’s faves The Beautifics. Then at other times they reminded me more of my favorite Milwaukee band, The Blowpops. Or maybe to a lesser extent, The Plimsouls. Whatever your frame of reference, if you dig bubblegummy choruses and lots of jangle, you may want to check out The Jeanies.

“I Seen Her Dance” starts the disc off right and the song that follows, “I Think You’re The Wrong One” is catchy as hell. Other songs that will stick with you after a few listens include “Believe Me Jenny” (which will remind you of the Blowpops), “That’s the One” (with an irresistible chorus), and “Gotta Get Back to Judy”.

You can get this disc at Kool Kat Musik. Comes with a bonus EP while supplies last.