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Posted by on Jul 24, 2024 in Music, News |

Ray Richardson – Slack Angels

Ray Richardson – Slack Angels

Over the last couple years, Ray Richardson has been knockin’ around the seaside town of Southport NC in a couple of bands, most recently, Back Porch Rockers. They specialize in classic rock ’n’ roll the way God intended it. But to my knowledge, neither he nor the band have ever released recorded material until now. Ray’s new EP entitled Slack Angels was released just a few weeks ago. If you’re fishing for some tasty guitar driven pop rock, check this one out. It’s a keeper.

A Universally Relatable Theme

“Seaside Nights” features Ray’s warm vocal delivery and pleasing harmonies courtesy of producer Jamie Hoover. “Highway 83” is a tasty slice of roots rock, using  highway travel as an analogy for navigating the road of life. It’s universally relatable. I hear a little Springsteen in “In the Hollows of the Night”, a wonderfully produced, memorable tune. 

However, it’s the lead track that most excites me about this release. The opening guitar riff of “Angels” leads to an irresistible chorus and 4:06 of top notch pop rock. The guitar flourishes are perfect, the melody a real winner and the lyrics first rate. If you’re a fan of roots rock or straight up rock ’n’ roll, you need to hear this single. It’s unbelievably catchy.

Get Ray Richardson’s Slack Angels

You can get your copy of Ray Richardson’s Slack Angels at Amazon or his Bandcamp page. And if you’re in the Southport NC area, check out Ray and Back Porch Rockers.