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Posted by on Sep 12, 2024 in News | 0 comments

Chime School – The Boy Who Ran The Paisley Hotel

Chime School – The Boy Who Ran The Paisley Hotel

Chime School is the brainchild of Andy Pastalaniec, drummer for several San Francisco area bands including Flowertown and Seablite. His second album, The Boy Who Ran The Paisley Hotel, is a jangle pop delight reminiscent of bands such as Teenage Fanclub, The Blow Pops and REM.

The End Is Just The Beginning

From the opening track (ironically entitled “The End”), we’re treated to the kind of luscious guitar jangle worthy of a Mitch Easter production. Things accelerate with the unrelentingly bouncy “Why Don’t You Come On Out Tonight”. From there, we’re propelled into “Give Your Heart Away”, a tune with a slight Smiths vibe to it.

With “Desperate Days”,  Pastalaniec hangs a depressing mood on an up-tempo, catchy pop melody. This juxtaposition creates a kind of tense dynamic that I never tire of. The thematically similar “Negative Monday” moves at a slower, more contemplative pace but nevertheless features a memorable chorus and the requisite guitar jangle we’ve now come to expect. Is that a cat I hear at the end?

Get Chime School’s New Album Here

If you’re a fan of 12 string guitar, memorable melodies and lyrics that can be relatable on several levels, Chime School is your cup o’ tea. The album’s opening track is as catchy as anything I’ve heard in recent memory. Finally, The Boy Who Ran The Paisley Hotel is a solid contender for this author’s end of the year “best of” power pop albums list. Get your copy at Kool Kat Musik.

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