P. Hux - As Good As Advertised - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Nov 8, 2023 in Music, News, Powerpop | 1 comment

P. Hux – As Good As Advertised

P. Hux – As Good As Advertised

P. Hux’s This Is The One was a Kickstarter funded effort and one of 2018’s finest albums. Sweet melodies and clever lyrical content made for one of that year’s best full length discs. As Good As Advertised was crowdfunded, too and as such had no real advertising budget to speak of (ironically). As Advertised is a darker affair than its predecessor. And it, too has some powerful moments.

Menacingly Hypnotic

The acoustic guitar opening of the title track leads to a pleasingly melodic hook and lovely harmonies. The menacingly hypnotic bass line of “Till The World Looks Right” grabs your attention off the get-go. One can hear The Doors in the moody “Rainbow”.

A piano driven number, “Mister Black Sky” transitions between sparse keyboard arrangements, rugged guitars and harmonic emphasis to create a really powerful composition. “This Song Reminds Me of Us” is about as pretty a song as I’ve heard in a while. And “Bitter Tears” has an irresistible bounce to it, seemingly contrary to its rather sour subject matter.

Get As Good As Advertised

While I can’t say I enjoy this one as much as 2018’s This Is The One, As Good As Advertised has its fair share of highlights. Check it out and get your copy of P. Hux’s latest at Kool Kat Musik or his website.

1 Comment

  1. As Good As Advertised is a great album. Don’t let the title track fool you. It may start out with a beautiful acoustic guitar intro and then longingly croon about a beautiful starlet, but it soon becomes clear that something isn’t right. Hux says the lyrics were inspired by a zombie novel. 2 other tracks worth mentioning: “Not Gonna Be My Number” is a fun, bossa nova tune about refusing to act your age and the album closes out with a bonus track: “Uncivil War”