Nick Frater’s Aerodrome Motel - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Aug 17, 2022 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Nick Frater’s Aerodrome Motel

Nick Frater’s Aerodrome Motel

Earworms made this site’s Top Albums of 2021 (#9). Before that, 2020’s Fast & Loose was chock full of memorable tunes and finished at #13. With Nick Frater and his new one, Aerodrome Motel, the frame of reference is different but that irrepressible penchant for engaging hooks and pop sensibilities remain intact.

Piano Driven, Radio Friendly Pop

Aerodrome Motel is more piano driven than prior efforts. And the record has a distinctly 80’s feel to it as well. “The Pleasure Is Mine” has a melody and vocal delivery that sounds like something Glenn Tillbrook would dream up. “Stuck In My Ways” is a front to back hook while the Beatlesque “Dear Modern Times” is yet another radio friendly track on an album full of them. Add the twang of “White Courtesy Telephone” and this disc’s variety may remind you just a little bit of Squeeze and their East Side Story album.

An Extensive List of Musicians

Despite the fact that Frater plays just about everything, the list of additional musical contributions appear fairly extensive. Nick Bertling, Emily Dolan Davies and Joe Montague play drums. He’s got Chris Mulligan and Jake Smith on guitar. Greg Holme plays petal steel on “White Courtesy Telephone” and Derrick Coonghe plays sax on “Rough & Tumble”. Dana Countryman’s piano can be heard on the opening track and a myriad of people provide vocal support throughout. And this list just scratches the surface.

Aerodrome Motel is scheduled for release on August 19th. Get it from Big Stir Records or through Nick’s Bandcamp page.