Ian M Bailey - Songs To Dream Along To - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Oct 12, 2021 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Ian M Bailey – Songs To Dream Along To

Ian M Bailey – Songs To Dream Along To

The new album from Ian M. Bailey takes some getting used to. Appropriately named Songs To Dream Along To, the Byrdsian guitars and harmonies are almost hypnotic. And like all good records, with each listen one hears new, interesting nuances. In total, this makes for an entertaining listening experience – an album you want to hear again and again.

Front start to finish, the melodies stand out as much as the guitar work. The Byrds vibe starts from the get-go with the delightful “This Is Not a Feeling”. “The Sound of Her Voice” could stand up favorably to any of the soft rock hits of the 70’s. The strings are lovely and the psychedelic flourish at the end is a neat surprise.

If you’re looking for more of a rocker, there’s “I’m Not The Enemy”. It’s a bit more up tempo and has an REM like jangle to it that’s irresistible. My favorite track may be “Just Like a Child (Dreamcatcher)”. With the lead vocal brought forward, it rests on a jangly guitar motif that works perfectly for me.

All of the songs on the LP were co-written by Ian Bailey and former Cosmic Roughrider Daniel Wylie. The melodies and arrangements stand out as extraordinary.  Get your copy of Ian M Bailey’s Songs To Dream Along To at Kool Kat Musik.