Colman Gota – And The Loser’s Choir Sings - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Apr 2, 2019 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Colman Gota – And The Loser’s Choir Sings

Colman Gota – And The Loser’s Choir Sings

A few years back, Colman Gota traveled to Kernersville NC to record with producer Mitch Easter and engineer John Pfiffner. The resulting album, 2017’s Fear the Summer, was an engaging record with catchy melodies and guitar hooks galore.

Last year he was back in Kernersville cutting a new record with the same team. Hey – if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. Right? With And The Loser’s Choir Sings, Gota gives us another helping of really tasty guitar pop directly from the cornfields of Kernersville to your (turn) table.

Gota wrote material for the album right up until the last minute. Its some of these final compositions that stand out most.

The super catchy guitar line in “Catholic School” and memorable chorus make this track a great start to the album. Similarly “Practice Room” is an instant winner with its hooky chorus and ringing guitars. This one’s a lyrical gem, too. Nothing lasts forever no matter how hard you try. Indeed.

That said, my favorite track here is “Victim of Society”. A slightly disjointed guitar intro catapults into the kind of totally infectious chorus that we’ve become accustomed to from Gota. And the backing vocals are perfect. This track reminds a little bit of the solo work of Chris Mars. For my money, this former Replacement recorded four records that were far more interesting than anything the legendary band ever did. “Victim of Society” has a similar vibe.

You can get Colman Gota’s And The Loser’s Choir Sings at iTunes, the Google Play store and other fine online music outlets.