Len Price 3 Kentish Longtails | Power Pop News Dec 2017
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Posted by on Dec 19, 2017 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Len Price 3 – Kentish Longtails

Len Price 3 – Kentish Longtails

Len Price 3 are back with Kentish Longtails, another collection of Kinks/Who inspired power pop songs. As powerful a three piece as you’ll find these days, they remind me a bit of The Jam in that respect.

Len Price 3 take aim at the usual targets with the vitriol we love and expect from them. While we’re on the subject of love (sort of), they even have a couple of love songs, too. But the guys are more preoccupied with the coat tail riders, liars, and bull-shitters out there. This is highly identifiable stuff.

len price 3 kentish longtialsAlthough the emphasis is on power and vitriolic lyrics, there’s no shortage of pop hooks here. The opening track, “Childish Words”, is instantly memorable for its chorus. If a song could cause blunt force trauma, “Sucking the Life Out of Me” would be the one. If those two don’t get your attention, the irresistible melody of “You Can’t Say Goodbye” is sure to grab ya.

“Saturday Morning Film Show” is a romp through our collective youths. If “Sucking the Life….” Is a kick to the gut, then “Nothing I Want” is the dagger through the heart.

This album has rapidly become one of my favorites. If you’re a fan of The Who, The Jam and The Kinks*, you’ll really love Len Price 3’s Kentish Longtails. Pick it up at Kool Kat Musik or get the digital files at Amazon.

ON A SIDE NOTE: Kinks fans will get a kick out of Peter Holsapple’s The Well Respected Men and their version of “Father Christmas”. Here they are performing that tune live from Christmas 2016. Enjoy.