Your Gracious Host Boomerang | Power Pop News
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Posted by on Mar 27, 2017 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Tom Curless & Your Gracious Host – Boomerang

Tom Curless & Your Gracious Host – Boomerang

This is Tom Curless’ seventh release as Your Gracious Host and just one of many quality recordings coming out of Michigan these days (see Ryan Allen, The Legal Matters, or Nick Piunti, just to name a few). While he covers a lot of ground in this eclectic collection of songs, there’s plenty of guitar crunch and catchy hooks on Your Gracious Host’s Boomerang to please even the pickiest power pop fan.

your gracious host boomerangThe crunchy guitars on the opening title track grab the listener right from the get-go. If the guitars don’t grab you, the harmonies will. “Never Been So Blind” is another favorite, starting out with similar guitar crunch but later reminds me more of a Buzzcocks track. The piano intro to “Sweetness” launches into a wall of sound reminiscent of vintage Husker Du.

“Some Expectations” has a bit of a psyche-pop edge that feels just right. The acoustic country twang of “Spritely” is a welcomed and unexpected turn that leaves the listener wanting more.

Curless plays most of the instruments on the record but gets substantial contributions from Bob Mervak on piano and keyboards.

With all the avenues Curless travels down with Your Gracious Hosts’ Boomerang, we find that every turn delivers us to a destination that’s rewarding. Boomerang is a truly fine album and one that comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Get your digital copy at Your Gracious Host Boomerang Bandcamp page or get the CD at Kool Kat Musik.