Marshall Crenshaw Guitar Chords - Tell Me All About It - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Apr 1, 2016 in News, Powerpop Chords, powerpop guitar chords |

Marshall Crenshaw Guitar Chords – Tell Me All About It

Marshall Crenshaw Guitar Chords – Tell Me All About It

Below, you’ll find the chords to a Marshall Crenshaw classic, “Tell Me All About It”. Released in 1999 on Razor & Tie, this is a glorious track on an even better album entitled #447. This is the first time I’ve posted Marshall Crenshaw guitar chords but it won’t be the last, I promise you.

As the story goes, the album title for #447 came about as an error of sorts. Crenshaw was joking with a label representative about the size of his catalog, stating that this release must be the 448th album he’s made by now (I’m paraphrasing, of course). This record company exec noted that 447 is actually a prime number, not divisible by any other. And so, as an inside joke of sorts, they named the album #447.

After the album was released it came to light that the number is in fact divisible by 3. Just goes to show – if a record label can screw something up, it usually will. Even somethings as seemingly insignificant as an album title. Without further delay….

Marshall Crenshaw guitar chords: “Tell Me All About It”
