Well Wishers Comes and Goes
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Posted by on Oct 4, 2016 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Jeff Shelton & Well Wishers’ Comes and Goes

Jeff Shelton & Well Wishers’ Comes and Goes

Like Greg Pope whose Guiding Star we discussed last week, The Well WishersComes and Goes is an almost entirely a DIY effort. Thanks to the Gods of home recording technology, Jeff Shelton is able to write, sing and play almost every instrument. And total control can be liberating.

well wishers comes and goesWhile Shelton gets considerable contributions from guests on a few tracks (Lisa Mychols’ wonderful background vocals on “Comes Around”, for example), it’s the quality of the songs that shine brightest. Underneath the jangle and buzz of guitars lie catchy melodies and killer hooks. Posies comparisons are inevitable as one hears in the opening track, “Impossible To Blame”.

But it’s the pure pop surprises that make this release extraordinary. Listen to the melodic and impossibly catchy “Comes Around” and you’ll hear a track that would have been a hit in a better time and place. The jangly, start-to-finish hook entitled “Tomorrow” may remind you of Shoes or the Jeff Murphy produced 92 Degrees. The song’s guitars settle into a melodic groove that make it both intoxicating and unforgettably catchy. “In Love With” is another pop gem that sticks with the listener after a single spin.

There’s something to savor in nearly every track of The Well Wishers’ Comes and Goes. I strongly suggest you pick up a copy if you’ve not already done so. Get yours here.



  1. Trip Wire – Cold Gas Giants | Power Pop News - […] and Bill Hunt (Captain Fatass, The Generous Grants) are joined by Jeff Shelton (Spinning Jennies, Well Wishers), adding yet…