Video: Greg Pope Brings Power Pop to Raleigh - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Aug 25, 2015 in Concert Reviews, News, Powerpop |

Video: Greg Pope Brings Power Pop to Raleigh

Video: Greg Pope Brings Power Pop to Raleigh

Earlier this year, Grep Pope released yet another solo LP, this one entitled Fanboy. Shortly after, he and his Popmonsters hit the road in support of the new release, Pope’s 4th outstanding effort.

On Friday night August 14, 2015 (roughly 10 days ago), the prolific Mr. Pope brought his infectious brand of power pop tunes and meaty guitar riffs to Raleigh NC. I took the lovely and talented Lynn to The Deep South Bar to see the show. As would have it, I had my trusty iPad charged and with me so I could share moments from the evening.

deep-south-bar1Settling in at the bar, it was hard not to notice the attempt by management to create some kind of cutting edge, hip ambiance. The quotes from popular rock n rollers haplessly painted on the wall and the crumpled Jimmy Johns sandwich bag left at our table didn’t do much to impress. Note to the owners of the Deep South Bar – it’s time to call John Taffer.

With a well-chosen set consisting of songs from several releases including Popmonster, Pete and the just released Fanboy, pop fans got everything they could have hoped for. Those who missed it can get the reader’s digest version, a 13 minute video I shot from said iPad.

In this video, you’ll see and hear four of the songs from that night’s set. They are: 1) “Fanboy”, 2) “Sleeping Dogs”, 3) “Only You” and 4) “Help Yourself”.

the-popmonsters2Performing exclusively 70’s and 80’s covers, Captain and the Keels opened the evening with a short set of FM radio classics before Pope & company took the stage. The Keels were good musicians, made evident by their ability to cover Steely Dan and Gerry Rafferty with precision. Their other choice of covers were a bit too lounge-like for me. Still, Lynn loved them. Admittedly, there were very good at what they did.

After a roughly 30 minute intermission, Pope and The Popmonsters (son Asher and drummer David Sprouse) set up and with no real sound check to speak of, launched into a set of memorable, high energy power pop. In addition to the songs in the video clip above, they played several more from Fanboy including a favorite of mine entitled “Galileo”.

My ramblings won’t do the band justice so check out the video above. While the sound isn’t production quality, it’s pretty good for a mobile device and I think you’ll come to the conclusion that Pope and The Popmonsters put on a fine show. If you get the chance, you’d be nuts not to go see ’em.