CD Review: Glenn Tilbrook - Happy Ending - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Nov 26, 2014 in Music, News, Powerpop |

CD Review: Glenn Tilbrook – Happy Ending

CD Review: Glenn Tilbrook – Happy Ending

When I picked up Glenn Tillbrook’s latest LP, Happy Ending, I didn’t know quite what to expect. All songs are self-penned (no Chris Difford lyrics here) and frankly, I hadn’t been listening to Tilbrook since Squeeze was at their peak.

happy-end-tilbrookOn 1st listen, my impression was one of wonder. This was not to be your father’s Squeeze record. There are significant George Harrison/Indian embellishments, beautiful string arrangements and Tilbrook’s voice is better than ever.

On the down side, a track or two wander a bit. While one in particular might be described as somewhat ponderous, some of these tangents make for a very interesting recording – if it doesn’t make a few “best of” powerpop lists, it makes for one of the most interesting recordings of 2014.

After a couple of listens it becomes evident however, that Tilbrook’s ability to write a great melody and a catchy hook overrides any other perceived shortcomings.

Some of the highlights include “Persephone” with its gorgeous string arrangements and far-eastern elements, “Rupert” (presumably about Ruport Murdock),  “Kev and Dave”, and the very catchy “Peter”. “Everybody Sometimes” may be the best track of all with its irresistible chorus – and its got a ukulele. What more could one ask for?

*This release comes packaged in three forms. The purchaser gets Happy Ending in vinyl LP, CD and digital form all for one price.