13 Reasons to Stay Up for the Late Show - Hot Freak Nation CD Review - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Aug 15, 2012 in Music, News |

13 Reasons to Stay Up for the Late Show – Hot Freak Nation CD Review

13 Reasons to Stay Up for the Late Show – Hot Freak Nation CD Review

The Late Show’s Portable Pop was a favorite of mine back in the day. When I heard that The Late Show’s Don Main had written a baker’s dozen worth of new songs with Greg Roberson and released them under the name Hot Freak Nation, I knew there were 13 reasons I had to have it.

Well, Hot Freak Nation sound nothing like The Late Show. Still, the 13 songs on the “record” are really catchy. Every jangly one of ’em. “Blow Them All Away” sounds as if it could be one of those early 70’s AM hits, songs we’d play on the bowling alley Jukebox. When I heard the guitar in the beginning of “12th of Never”, I half expected to hear Joe Strummer start belting out an anthem of some kind. Calm yourself, Rich. While I didn’t get the Clash-influenced song I was anticipating, my
patience was rewarded with another stellar pop song.

The album finishes with a flourish, the best saved for last. “Turn Up the Noise” is the best Pavement song that isn’t…a Pavement song, that is (Did you follow that? I didn’t). Great song, but you’d better save room for the encore. Track 13 in this baker’s dozen is the best one of all. “Sometimes Oblivion” sounds like what John Lennon might have recorded if he were alive today. This is a great tune.

Check out the YouTube clip below for a hint of what’s on the LP. What the hell, just take the plunge. You can purchase Hot Freak Nation’s Lifetime to Lifetime from Kool Kat Musik.