Minus 5 Guitar Chords - Got You - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Aug 27, 2015 in powerpop guitar chords |

Minus 5 Guitar Chords – Got You

Minus 5 Guitar Chords – Got You

This month we’re featuring Minus 5 guitar chords – specifically the chords to the song “Got You”.

Way back in 2001, Scott McCaughey and company put out a double CD entitled Because We Hate You / Let the War on Music Begin. The first disc was McCaughey’s Young Fresh Fellows while the second disc was his Minus 5 lineup.

Young Fresh Fellows is McCaughey’s power pop face while Minus 5 is a rock collective featuring the likes of REM’s Peter Buck and the Posies’ Jon Auer and Ken Stringfellow. While the Minus 5 may have the star studded names, the Young Fresh Fellows lineup is equally talented with Kurt Bloch, Tad Hutchinson and Jim Sangster. In fact, Sangster would later be a key member of today’s greatest pub rock band. The Tripwires would release 2014’s best power pop album entitled Get Young.

While both Because We Hate You and Let the War on Music Begin were somewhat inconsistent, each had a few pure power pop masterpieces amongst the collection. To this day, these discs are still among my favorites.

Below, you’ll find Minus 5 guitar chords to one of the disc’s best songs, the irresistible “Got You”. As always, if you notice any errors please let me know in the comment section of this page.




  1. Minus 5 Of Monkess and Men | Power Pop - […] NOTE: If you’re a fan of the Minus 5 song “Got You”, you’ll find the guitar chords here. […]