Free Power Pop Music Downloads | Power Pop News
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Posted by on Oct 11, 2016 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Power Pop Music Downloads FOR FREE!

Power Pop Music Downloads FOR FREE!

There’s only one thing better than power pop music. FREE power pop music! So here we go….

We reviewed the latest Heartless Devils release, a terrific garage-punk EP entitled The Devils Garage. They recently performed material from the EP during a show at The Bitter End and have made it available as a download. Best of all, IT’S FREE! And it’s a blistering set. All six songs are on a single track but you can use Audacity, a free sound editing software to separate each song (if you want to save each to iTunes or something). Get your free download HERE.

on-and-onsThe On and Ons made this blog’s top power pop albums of 2015 list and they’re working on a follow up. In the meantime, they’re giving away a free download of the new album’s first single. Get yours HERE.

Finally, the guys from Didn’t Planet are feeling generous. In addition to their latest single, “Hello, Germany”, you can download some tracks from their debut record, We’re Going Nowhere, as well as a one-off single – a fantastic story about a chance meeting between a Red Sox and Yankees fan. I won’t disclose anything more. It’s an awesomely fun song, though. And it too, is FREE!. Get it HERE.