Pat DiNizio Is Gone - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Dec 13, 2017 in News, Powerpop |

Pat DiNizio Is Gone

Pat DiNizio Is Gone

A decade ago, I used to see Pat DiNizio from time to time. We lived in the same nieghborhood. Although it’s more than ten years since we’d last spoken, I remember the few conversations we had like they were yesterday. Over hamburgers at 3 am or at his parent’s house. He was an unusual combination of intellect, thoughtfulness and pragmatism. There will never be another quite like him.

Pat DiNizio and The Smithereens were one of only a handful of bands that mattered, really mattered to me when I was a kid. I recall talking with Pat about his run for the US Senate some 15 years ago or so. A centrist, he was thoughtful and well versed on the issues. There were the house shows and acoustic performances he did on a regular basis, each one different than the last. Any time I’d see him it was a handshake and a smile.

Last time we spoke, he’d mentioned that he always wanted to write a children’s book. I didn’t take him that seriously. I was supposed to have followed up, I suppose. I guess I figured there would always be plenty of time for that.

It’s hard to believe he’s gone.



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