Elena Rogers - Always Trying - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Feb 20, 2025 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Elena Rogers – Always Trying

Elena Rogers – Always Trying

Almost every time I hear an Elena Rogers tune, I feel as if I’m watching a movie. Usually a Tim Burton production, highly entertaining and often taking an unexpected twist or turn. The same is true with her latest EP entitled Always Trying.

The opening track, “A Little Bit of Lovely”, feels like riding through a psychotic funhouse, I imagine. Jamie Hoover’s production effectively adds to its unorthodox nature. Then, she gives is a really catchy tune, a character sketch called “Technical Thing”. The delivery is genuine, the lyrics intelligent and the production is again, brilliant.

A Sonic Tapestry

The schizophrenic “Trying Always Trying” comes off as several songs sewn together – a sort of sonic tapestry. And “The Way I Feel Inside” demonstrates her ability to pull off the more traditional, covering an old Zombies tune and making it her own. One can always count on Rogers to whet the more adventurous musical appetites.

Elena’s last LP, Prelude to Whatever, was #21 on our 2024 best of power pop list. If you’re looking for something tuneful but adventurous, Elena Rogers is for you. If you’re into Blake Jones & The Trike Shop or soundtracks to Tim Burton Movies, you’ll get a tremendous kick out of Always Trying. Get it at Bandcamp.