CD Review: Travel Lanes - Hey Hey, Its Travel Lanes - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Aug 15, 2013 in Music, News, Powerpop | 1 comment

CD Review: Travel Lanes – Hey Hey, Its Travel Lanes

CD Review: Travel Lanes – Hey Hey, Its Travel Lanes

travel-lanesThis 7 song EP by Travel Lanes is a very pleasant summer surprise. The opening cut, “Scared of Girls”, makes it quite evident that Tom Petty is a big influence on the band. Other pronounced influences include Graham Parker and The Replacements, becoming evident later on in the disc.

“The other Side” sketches us a picture of employment pressures and an abusive relationship. Lyrically, its a gem.

But he can’t be bothered to clean the house
and take the kids where they might have to go
she comes home from work to the same old jerk
and the dishes in the sink by the window

cause’ she just can’t stand him
cause’ he doesn’t do anything
but that won’t stop her
from saying the words she says to him
cause’ he wants it too
the other side of “I Love You”

But the highlight of Hey Hey Its Travel Lanes is a song sandwiched in the middle of the disc – one that is so reminiscent of Graham Parker that it immediately became my favorite song on the EP. “Delinquent” has an irresistible bounce to it and will stick in your head after a single listen. It alone is worth the price of the disc.

I’ve said before that you can tell a great deal about a band by their choice of covers and Travel Lanes doesn’t dissapoint. While their cover of the Ramones’ classic “Shes the One” can’t match the original for sheer kick-ass-edness, its great fun nonetheless.

This is a fine, 7 song effort making for one of the better EPs of 2013 thus far.

1 Comment

  1. Excellent review. Also highly recommended is the memorable track, “Intervention.” I love that song!

    Travel Lanes is also a great live band!