CD Review: The New Trocaderos Frenzy in the Hips - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Feb 17, 2015 in News, Powerpop | 1 comment

CD Review: The New Trocaderos Frenzy in the Hips

CD Review: The New Trocaderos Frenzy in the Hips

PT Barnum is credited with having said “Always leave them wanting more”. The New Trocaderos (Geoff Palmer of the Connection, Brad Marino also of the Connection and Kurt Baker of well, Kurt Baker) have accomplished exactly that with their new EP, Frenzy in the Hips. While as separate entities they are each among the genre’s finest practitioners, as The New Trocaderos they are a powerpop tour De force.

new trocaderos frenzy in the hips powerpopThis EP hits all the right notes from the very first one. “Money Talk” will remind you of Lowe & Edmunds’ Rockpile and gets the disc off to an ass-kickin’ start. “Real Gone Kitty” carries on the rockabilly vibe until one gets to “Dream Girl” a bouncy powerpop delight with it’s guitar jangle, hand claps and irresistibly hum-able chorus.

“The Kids” is an anthemic number that’s every bit as memorable as the similar themed Paul Collins’ classic “The Kids Are the Same” and one you’ll be bopping your head to for sure. The EP concludes with another great number, “The Luckiest Man in the World” with it’s sing-along chorus and spot-on harmonies. I laughed to myself while listening to this last track as I’m guessing the impetus for it was the the Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World”.

If you’re familiar with Rockpile, skinny ties and know what If it ain’t Stiff, it ain’t worth a f**k means, then this is the record for you. To coin another well known phrase, Frenzy in the Hips is a case of the whole adding up to more than the sum of its parts. And the parts were pretty damn awesome to begin with.

1 Comment

  1. The New Trocaderos have a full length CD just released today and would like to get it to Richard Rossi. But alas, we have no email address for him.

    Thank you.