The On and Ons - Menacing Smile - Power Pop News
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Posted by on May 12, 2020 in Music, News, Powerpop |

The On and Ons – Menacing Smile

The On and Ons – Menacing Smile

It’s The On and Ons Calling was one of 2015’s best albums, carrying on a great tradition of first rate Australian power pop. In 2017 the band came up with Welcome Aboard, yet another winner. Now, The Ons and Ons are about to release their best work yet.

Menacing Smile is power pop in the most classic and best sense – short, hooky bursts of tunefulness that’ll have you tapping on the dashboard or boppin’ in your seat.

It’s only 15 seconds before the opening guitar leads you into the unforgettably hooky chorus of the title track – the guitars being a hook, themselves. “Don’t Wanna Talk About It” may conjure up memories of a certain Saturday morning TV pop band we all know and love. The paisley tinged “Hold On Tight” is the perfect track for the mini-album’s mid point.

As good as the first half of the release is, the band saved the best for last. “Monday Blues” is gloriously catchy. It’s pop at it’s most basic, not unlike those old Nerves singles. And when I first heard “Change of Heart”, I nearly lost my mind. It’s no wonder Paul Collins toured a few years back with these guys.

The On and Ons and Menacing Smile can both be described as all killer, no filler. The release date is May 17 but you can order it now through Citadel Records. If a digital format works for you, you can get it directly from the band’s Bandcamp page closer to the release date. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.


“On a sad note, we are a little subdued this week after learning of the passing of our good friend and former band-mate Richard Lane over the weekend. Richard is best known as being a former member of The Stems, and was in The On and Ons around the time of our first release, but as he lived in Perth, 3000 miles away from the rest of us, we had to sadly go our separate ways. We will miss him dearly.”