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Posted by on Jul 16, 2019 in Music, News, Powerpop |

Car City – Car City

Car City – Car City

The debut album from Car City is another of 2019’s wonderful surprises. The album is front to back, wall to sonic wall power pop goodness.

The proceedings begin with “Connecting the Dots”, the chiming guitars of which will have the hairs on the back of your neck standing at attention. “Hopeless” is a lyrical and melodic gem that touches every power pop pleasure point. When you listen to “Old Bridge”, you may hear a little bit of Zoom era Knack like I did – both in the guitars and cadence of Jason Lemke’s vocal delivery.  

There’s Beatles and Weezer in just about every track. And the harmonies are exemplary throughout the entire disk.

What separates this Kool Kat version of the Car City debut from the version released last year is the additional track – the second take of “Connect The Dots”. It starts out acoustically (think Green Day’s “Time of Your Life”) and then powers into electric overdrive. It’s the perfect finish to a terrific collection of melodic gems. Pick up your copy of Car City at Kool Kat Musik.