The Turnback – Spinning The Earth In Reverse - Power Pop News
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Posted by on Aug 14, 2018 in Music, News, Powerpop |

The Turnback – Spinning The Earth In Reverse

The Turnback – Spinning The Earth In Reverse

Are We There Yet was arguably the best power pop album of 2015. If Todd Giglio and The Turnback fell victim to a slump of sorts with their follow-up, Spinning The Earth In Reverse, it would have been understandable.

turnbackFortunately, Spinning packs the same punch as it’s predecessor. The production sounds slightly more polished than before but the sound is HUGE and the hooks are plentiful. If you’re looking for politically charged songs that’ll rip your face off, this is your kind of album.

The lead off track, “Here I Am”, has all the traits that made their last LP so good. A start to finish hook with killer harmonies, it’s the logical choice for a single. The muscular guitar in “This Could Be Our Year” makes it an instant Turnback classic. “She Walks on Gold” is not unlike a lit fuse. The piano intro starts things off harmlessly enough and then…bang! The appropriately named “Hit and Run” is irresistible, too. It had me hooked from the moment of impact.

The Turnback have that unique knack of combining kick-ass with catchy. Call it hooks with chutzpah. Spinning The Earth In Reverse is available on the Kool Kat label with a release date of September 14. Pre-order your copy HERE.

Since there are no video or sound samples available to preview yet, here’s a great video from a previous LP. It too, is awesome.